signs of raccoons

Although raccoons have an adorable appearance, they’re still wild animals and shouldn’t be taking over your home. When raccoons invade your home, they’re there for a couple of main reasons. They’re looking for shelter and food. 

If your home can offer them either of these, then they’ll most likely begin to build a nest and get cozy. Unfortunately, raccoons can cause damage to your property so it’s best to know the signs of raccoons and have a professional raccoon removal service come in to help free your home of these masked bandits. 

Continue reading the guide below for signs of a raccoon in the house!

1. Visible Damage to Your Home

Raccoons can leave lots of damage to your home. You’ll be able to see the damage if you know what to look for. Their sharp teeth and claws will rip through drywall, roofing tiles, and even wooden support beams. 

Take a look in your attic to see if you find any of this type of damage. You might also find damage to the insulin, structural beams, and wiring as well. 

2. Strange Noises in the Attic

Raccoons are the most active at night. During this time, they’ll begin to move around and scavenge for food. If you start to hear strange noises coming from the ceiling, then this is one of the signs of a raccoon in the attic. 

You’ll most likely hear their footsteps above you or their nails scratching on the attic floor. If raccoons get into a scuffle with one another, then you’ll most likely hear them fighting and hear sounds similar to kitten meows. You might also hear them running around, knocking down trash cans looking for food. 

3. Holes in the Foundation

Holes in your foundation are a sure sign that critters are entering your home. This is most likely their point of entry. Look closely around and in the holes. 

Do you notice smudge marks or feces nearby? These are all signs of raccoons in the yard and home. 

4. Nesting Materials in Your Home

Once raccoons decide your home is an ideal nesting place, they’ll begin to build their nests. Start looking around the house for nesting materials. Raccoons will use just about anything to build their nests with. 

They’ll use leaves and twigs but will also use insulin and other fabrics they find in the attic. Be on the lookout for a trail of nesting materials in the attic or in the basement. 

Know the Signs of Raccoons and Call the Professionals

It’s important for homeowners to know the signs of raccoons so they can then contact professional raccoon removal services as soon as possible. At Iguana Removal 305, we specialize in not only removing iguanas from your property but raccoons as well. Raccoons not only damage your property, but they can pose a health risk as well. 

To keep you, your family, and your property safe, be sure to have the raccoons removed as quickly as possible. 

Contact us today to receive a quote for raccoon removal services on your property. 


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